Good Morning friends. As I prepare to sip my first cup of Joe this morning I'm in awe or God's goodness to me. Nothing in particular or superlative jumps out at me, just the knowledge that I have today and that is enough. Many begin their days with heaviness of heart that they can't explain. They look at their glass as half empty and can't see that only He can fill it to overflowing. We are all reservoirs of His goodness. Will we be filled to overflowing today, or content with feeling empty?
As I've been reading and reflecting on Townsend and Cloud's book on Boundaries, I'm learning that my feelings are my responsibility. I have to own them. If I look to others to fill my cup instead of God who created me to be filled with His Holy Spirit, I'm always going to feel incomplete and unsatisfied. I can't judge the others in my life for not being able to keep me feeling content. I am only content and fulfilled in HIM.
Proverbs 13:14 in the Amplified version says, "The teaching of the wise is a fountain and source of life,
So that one may avoid the snares of death."
I want to receive teaching from the Holy Spirit and avoid the snares of destruction and death.
My heart becomes more full this morning as I praise Him for all that He has given me. I have the sun sparkling through the trees to give me light and warmth. It lifts me just to see it beaming through the clouds. I have the gift of time to reflect on what His light reveals to me. I have family and friends who encourage me and spur me on in my walk with the Lord.
Where can I go from His goodness and His presence? The psalmist reminds us that His presence is everywhere we look.
Psalm 139:7-10 ESV says, "7 Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
and your right hand shall hold me."
Spending time in His presence fills my cup and I am refilled to overflowing!
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