Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Graduate Research Project Rubric

I am including a link to my rubric that I am planning to use to evaluate the Descriptive Writing/Picture Narrative my students/subjects are writing and recording using VoiceThreads.com. It is adapted from the Rubric for Delaware Student Testing Program for Writing. The link can be found at:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Elections -2008

It is difficult to believe that the Elections are only two days away. We need to be in prayer for our national, state, and local elections. If we pray, the Word of God says that He will hear from heaven and heal our land. I pray for Godly Wisdom for the people of this Great Land. May we have discerning hearts and minds. May we be led by our spirits and may we be discerning to cut through the rhetoric and distortions to vote on our core values and convictions.

These elections will determine more than who gets the title of Commander in Chief, but they will also determine the balance of the Supreme Court for many years ahead. It was reported last night that three liberal judges may retire and step down after the results of this election are completed. If liberal judges are willing to step down, our country would see changes that we are not prepared for.

Pray, pray, pray. Hear from Heaven. Take action. Vote!

God Bless America! Pray Here, Pray Now!